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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Are These Grown Folks Serious?? K. Michelle And Perez Hilton In Twitter War Over Iggy Azaela

perez hilton beefs with k michelle over iggy azalea 

Do you know what happens when two dogged smack talkers go against each other on social media, especially when they're kinda famous? There's show on the row...

Singer/reality star K Michelle and celebrity blogger Perez Hilton had a war of words on social media today. It all started when the “Can’t Raise A Man” singer threw a little shade at Iggy Azalea on Monday for adopting a southern accent in her rap songs when she’s originally from Australia. K. Michelle tweeted:
How can you be from another country and rap like you’re from Memphis TN? But u don’t hear me though #offended

As a #TeamIggy member, Perez picked up the palm tree and threw it right back at K.:
@kmichelle I think you chose the wrong hashtag and meant to say #jealous instead! x

With K never being one to back down from verbal warfare and Perez being up for the challenge, the two battled it out on Twitter. K called Perez a “Cinderella” who needed to do something positive instead of “licking a$$ to be cool,” and Perez fired back by essentially calling K. Michelle a flop whose songs are nowhere to be found on the charts.
Peep the full exchange:
K. Michelle: How can you be from another country and rap like you’re from Memphis TN? But u don’t hear me though #offended 
Perez: @kmichelle I think you chose the wrong hashtag and meant to say #jealous instead! x 
K Michelle: stay in ur place Cinderella!!!! 
Perez: I’m happy to stay in my own little corner. And you get back to me when you have a #2 song on the @Billboard Hot 100. #YouNotFancy 
K Michelle: I know my lane and that’s not even a desire of mine. My music is 2good and there will NEVER be a need 2get back at YOU. You lost ur mind with ur body fat! 
Perez: Ok. Now that made me laugh! P.S. Iggy has explained why she raps the way she does repeatedly. There’s this thing called Google! x 
Too good to be #2 on the Hot 100? Mkay then! I’m gonna go listen to some @JohnLegend now, whose 2good music went #1! #RollsEyes 
K Michelle: Please use ur bought followers& do everybody some good. Stop licking ass 2b a cool kid. 
Perez: I’m a fan of good music and an early champion of @IGGYAZALEA. You’re on a reality show and jealous of her musical success. #Fact 
K Michelle: ur job Is 2be a nosey queen&mine is 2make GREAT music. So the next time u pop up N my mentions come better 
Perez: Right! Your music is too great to top the charts, though. Go on with your flawed logic! Did Iggy turn you down for a feature? Ha! 
K Michelle: Now I’m going 2go heal sum hearts, u should do the same. P.S I like you better with the pink hair and ur 4 chins 
Perez: Heal on! I’m gonna go research your songs now. I don’t know a single one. Maybe I’ll like your music most people don’t know! xoxo 
K Michelle: Logs off. I have spoken
But, art is often personalized… Hence, I don’t think it was K’s beezwax that Iggy’s got herself an accent. Ha!
perez hilton k. michelle beef over iggy azalea 

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