Superhero sequel promo sees Iron Man and Hulk going toe-to-toe...
Things don't seem to be going too well for Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the new trailer forAvengers: Age Of Ultron.Set to gloomy and introspective music, the latest promo forJoss Whedon's eagerly awaited movie sequel marks the arrival of a new threat to humankind and a disintegration of the superhero team."It's something more powerful that any of us," a voice (Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye?) warns, before Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) declares that: "Everyone creates the thing theydread."And this is followed by the arrival of Ultron (voiced byJames Spader) and some flying robotic nasties."No matter who wins or loses, trouble always comes around," intonesSamuel L Jackson's Nick Fury.Chris Hemsworth's Thor tells Stark: "You've meddled with something you don't understand."And that's when the fighting and mayhem really kicks off - although still set to that eerie music score.Thor is seen grabbing Stark by the throat before the trailer climaxes with thrilling footage ofMark Ruffalo's Hulk and Iron Man (in his "Hulkbuster" suit) going toe-to-toe on a city street.The movie arrives in UK cinemas on 24 April.
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