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Thursday, 4 July 2013

BEAUTY: How to get rid of scars on your body

There might be the case when you ask your friends on how to get rid of scars. Let's know what this article exactly talks about and what the scars are? When there is an injury, our skin automatically produces more cells in order to re-grow the injured skin. This tissue is known as scars. These scars are easily visible because the cells that grow in making up the scars are of lesser quality than the original cells. They are less resistant to UV radiation and are not able to grow any hair since they have no follicles.
There are many natural and herbal treatments to remove scars. These herbal methods are safe, simple and cost effective. These methods are generally simple home treatments, and they have no harmful effects. You can try these methods before going in for complicated surgical procedures.

Herbal remedies to remove scars

There are several natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to use.

Cucumber - The cucumber is very helpful in the removal of scar tissues. Prepare a paste of cucumber and apply directly onto the scars. This will help the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight.  

Garlic - Cut a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the acne scars. This helps to treat the acne without leaving a scar behind later on.

Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera is also an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. When applied directly onto the scars it helps the scar to slowly reduce and vanish.

Now you know what to do......stay beautiful!!!


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