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Monday, 3 March 2014

'South Africa's Trial Of The Century' Begins-- Oscar Pistorious Pleads "Not Guilty".

Oscar Pistorius - March 2014 - BellaNaija  

South African Paralympian, Oscar Pistorious pleads "Not Guilty" as trial began today, March 3, 2014 for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentine's day of 2013.

The trial -which CNN describes as 'South Africa's Trial of the Century'- is holding at the North Guateng High Court in Pretoria. The trial was delayed for an hour because  they were trying to locate a language interpreter required for the first witness.

A neighbor, one Michelle Burger took to the stand and testified to have heard a woman’s screams and a man screaming for help.

“Something terrible was happening at that house,” she said, “Just after 3, I woke up from a woman’s terrible screams. Then I also heard a man screaming for help. Three times he yelled for help.”

Oscar Pistorius in Court Today 
Oscar Pistorious in Court Today 

Her husband later contacted the local authorities. Michelle told her husband that she feared the woman had witnessed her husband being shot because after he screamed, he wasn’t heard again.

The trial is expected to take three weeks for the Judge to come up with a judgement. Parts of thre trial are being aired already.


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