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Wednesday 19 November 2014


Chris Hemsworth  wins 2014 sexiest man of the year by People's Magazne, Idris Elba makes runner up. 

Chris was delighted at the news saying “Thank you very much for the trophy. I’m most excited about the alive portion of that statement. I’m flattered. Thank you, Jimmy.
On if there will be any hard feelings between him and his brother Liam Hemsworth concerning the title, Chris said  “Liam is good. We’ve been throwing sexy looks back and forth all week. So he’s been a real team player through this.”
He added “I like everything there is about being sexy, to pursing the lips the right way to squinting at the essential time. Thank you, Matt Damon, and all the other previous intelligent men. This is based on an IQ test, not just the physical appearance.
Chris Hemsworth People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive 2014 - Bellanaija - November 2014
He also had one more set of people to thank – “My parents, I guess, for putting this together.” *sigh*…funny and hot.


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